Week Ahead

The Week Ahead | Exploring the World under the Sea

12 Mar 2021

Dear parents

One of the many events impacted by last year's coronavirus hiatus was the Wellington College China Festival of Education. This annual forum on issues facing educators, parents and employers in the 21st Century began in our sister school in England and is now the UK's leading festival of its kind. The Festival offers a chance for all those engaged in raising children, teaching and learning, future developments in education and ensuring the current generation of schoolchildren are equipped for a world of work, to share their insights. As such, the Festival of Education offers something for everyone, and in this, it is unique in bringing together professionals and non-professionals for a shared platform to exchange ideas.

I am delighted that this year sees the fifth Wellington College China Festival of Education returning once more to our schools. The week-long festival opens in our own school, here in Tianjin, on Saturday 17th April and then continues in physical sessions (hosted by our schools in Shanghai and Hangzhou) and online until Sunday 25th April. The combination of live in-school events (Tianjin 17th April, Shanghai 24th April and Hangzhou on 25th April) and online sessions (from 18th-23rd April) offers parents, educators and others the chance to access a vast range of topics and discussions.

As usual, the Festival has several key themes which run across the week. This year, we have five: early years' education; wellbeing and mental health; 'future schools'; and the development of bilingualism in education. I know from my meetings with parents across the Tianjin community that these are pressing issues for us all. In a year so heavily impacted by Covid-19, parents and those working in schools have grown increasingly concerned by the pressures on our children. Wellbeing and mental health are two areas we have discussed a great deal in our school, and I know that parents will be interested in finding out more about these hot topics.

Similarly, employers and those looking at university education for their child will be interested to hear what the future holds in store for schools – what kind of learning and teaching will children need to help them prepare for a future in employment? How will schools harness new technologies? There is heavy coverage on inculcating values, why they matter and how schools can help to develop these from a young age. In all, there are over 100 speakers at our three live events and 26 international speakers in our online sessions. Many are world-famous leaders in their fields and include educational leaders from the UK, China, US and more. Details of Tianjin's live event are below, with the link to the wider Festival also provided.

I know very well how passionate and committed our parents are about education in Tianjin. Engagement with our briefings and regular meetings is so high, and questions from parents so thoughtful, that I am sure we will have many parents requesting tickets for the live event and access to the online talks. There will be simultaneous translation available for the talks on Saturday 17th April, and many of them are delivered in Chinese. I believe the Festival will prove a genuine highlight for all our community, and I strongly encourage you to come along and engage in person.  

Having missed out on a Festival of Education in 2020, this year will see the biggest and most ambitious programme of events and speakers in our history. It will be a genuinely global gathering of those committed to improving the future for our children and offers an excellent opportunity for families to feel more informed about the future of learning.

Best wishes

Julian Jeffrey


This week our theme 'Under the sea' comes to an end. It has been very special to see the learning come to life for the children across the Nest. It has given a focus for STEAM for all of the year groups and supported the early year's curriculum incredibly well.


Pre-nursery have had a real hermit crab in their classroom throughout the  week. The core book for the class was 'A house for hermit crab' by Eric Carle. They have looked after the hermit crab all week. The children have used English and Mandarin words to describe how the crab moves, what he eats, what different shells he could live in. They have explored sand and water. They have spoken about other sea creatures. To see their faces as the real crab comes out of its shell has been a joy!


Nursery's core book has been 'Smiley Shark' by Ruth Galloway. The children have learned about the creatures in the story including sharks, octopus and starfish. They have also looked at the message in the story. Smiley shark frightened the other creatures because of his big sharp teeth, but he just wanted to be friends. They have learned about being friends, feelings as well as the focus on sea creatures.


Reception has been busy with their core book 'Commotion in the Ocean' by Giles Andreae. This book has allowed the children to get very creative making models of the sea creatures in the book and look at the different way they move. I have seen children in our outdoor learning area put a crate on their back and move like a turtle. The children have also learned lots of songs linked to the under the sea theme. The children have now begun to write using the phonics they have learned. There are some wonderful examples I have read.


Year one have been marine biologists throughout this theme. They have looked at a wide range of sea creatures and seen how they are scientifically classified according to their characteristics and attributes. They have learned about fish, mammals, crustaceans and reptiles. The children have been looking at the impact of humans on our largest ocean creatures, whales. They have talked about why so many whales are found with enormous amounts of plastic in their stomachs. The children have been inspired to write their own books about life under the sea.


This theme has given the children opportunities to really explore in-depth areas of learning such as understanding the world, particularly the aspects of, 'the world' and technology. It has provided well for expressive art and design, and all aspects of communication and language and literacy in both Mandarin and English. 



1400hrs-1500hrs, Thursday
18th March


This week's Meet the Master and Bursar slot is open to parents of pupils in all year groups. If you would like to attend, please confirm via email with Ms Emma Shi by Wednesday 17th March.



Role Models is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Topic: Role Models Leadership Courses Webinar
Time: Mar 16, 2021 06:00 PM CST


This will be a 20-minute webinar focusing on the online Leadership Courses offered during the Easter holidays. The courses are for children in years 1-8. It is led by Louise Treherne, Director of Character Education at Role Models. Find out about the content of the courses and how they can develop your child's confidence and leadership skills. The webinar will be delivered in English, with Mandarin subtitles.

Please contact Ms Emma Shi by 0900hrs on Tuesday 16th March to register for the online meeting and to receive the login information.



Monday 15th March 2021
All Day                       
Week 26 (B) (Campus)

Wednesday 17 March 2021
2:00PM - 3:00PM       
Parent briefing: Learning through play - STEAM (JB) (postponed)

Thursday 18 March 2021
2:00PM - 3:00PM       
Meet the Master and Bursar: all year groups (ES) (Main Building)

3:45PM - 4:45PM       
H&S Committee Meeting (VW) (WCA room)

Friday 19th March 2021
All Day                       
Happiness Day (JB) (Nest)

All Day                       
End of the lent ASA programme (Campus)

Saturday 20 March 2021
Saturday Activity Programme (SAP) (EvK) (Campus)

9:30AM - 12:30PM      
A Level Induction Open Day-Admissions (PR) (Main Building)

A Level internal scholarship examinations (DP) (Main Building) (postponed until 10th April)

Dates and Times

The 2021 Festival of Education will feature virtual events online as well as live events at Wellington College's Tianjin, Shanghai and Hangzhou campuses.

Virtual Events

Sunday to Friday 18th – 23rd April 

(Our virtual events are 

open to all and free of charge)


Scan the QR code to register for

the virtual Festival of Education


Live Events

Saturday 17th April – Tianjin 

Saturday 24th April – Shanghai

Sunday 25th April – Hangzhou

Pre-sale tickets are now available, 

scan the QR code to book your tickets now!


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