Week Ahead

The Week Ahead 26 November 2021

26 Nov 2021

Dear parents

Dr Yang and I were in Guangzhou last weekend, speaking at a conference on developing innovation in education. Speakers ranged from Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge to leaders from some of the finest schools across China, all discussing how schools and universities were encouraging a spirit of innovation among their students. Perhaps inevitably, many of the speakers focused on innovation in technology. There were presentations on the future of education in the 'metaverse', how drone technology is being adapted to enhance learning and news of exciting collaborations between industry and schools with STEAM labs, much as we have in our relationship with Microsoft through our Showcase School status.

Your children have increasing access to new technologies across the school. STEAM – the acronym for science, technology, engineering, art and maths education – has taken firm root in the school, with pupils from the Nest to the Senior School able to access exciting ways of exploring their learning through the varied lenses of technology. Robotics and coding are embedded parts of the curriculum, and next term sees the school embrace e-sports. Junior School pupils will be competing in an international competition, the FUSE Cup, for the first time. The FUSE Cup sees schools from Asia and Australasia compete in "an online, safe, competitive, and challenging esports opportunity while also promoting concepts such as Digital Wellbeing, Inclusion and Social Values". The games we enter are age-appropriate and non-violent: the first year will see teams compete in Just Dance, Rocket League and Mario Kart 8. Pupils train for the events in an ASA and are monitored by their teachers at every step of the process. Parents who want to know more can access the website here:


I look forward to writing to parents later in the year to report back on the progress of our young e-sports enthusiasts.

My own focus at the conference was to offer some thoughts on how schools were responsible for creating an environment where innovation is fostered and encouraged. In this way, I wanted to focus not so much on educational technology or any of the potential advantages of the metaverse, but instead on what can be described as the 'untaught curriculum'. I feel very strongly that schools need to create an ethos of intellectual risk-taking and curiosity so that a spirit of creativity and innovation can flourish. A one-size-fits-all approach to learning has long been discredited, both in terms of what goes on in the classroom and how schools encourage individuality and independence of thought. The latter two do not exclude other parts of the Wellington identity, of course, but rather express our determination that our pupils should feel able to forge their own unique pathways through their learning journeys. I have seen real innovation in action here across the school, from how our Nest pupils experiment with their learning each day to some genuinely revelatory work in our textiles, art, technology and music departments. The school has allowed pupils to stretch their imaginations to open new ways of thinking about and seeing the world.

Progress for humankind has always relied on the innovative, the dreamers and the visionaries, but it doesn't happen by happy accident. Children need to feel supported and encouraged to think beyond the conventional and explore the world with fresh eyes. I hope that, through establishing an environment in which such learning can occur, Wellington is playing a full part in fostering innovation.

Best wishes

Julian Jeffrey

It seems hard to believe we are only three weeks from the end of the Michaelmas term. It will be a busy three weeks for everyone. The children have been learning songs to entertain you at the Nest Christmas show. We invite you to our Winter Wonderland performance next Friday 3rd December at 9:15 am in the Seldon theatre.


I know many of you have already sent in costumes ready for the rehearsals and show next week. As always, we thank you for your support for these events and we know the children enjoy performing for you.


I would like to ask for your support with the whole school aim to have every child in proper school uniform. You will have read the week ahead from the Master last week explaining the need for a school uniform and why wearing it supports the children across Wellington College to have an identity to be proud of. In the Nest we understand that children do at times need a change of clothes and their spare clothes do not have to be uniform. We do however want to see the children arriving in the correct uniform every day. The uniform is available from the uniform shop, and we will send out the uniform lists and a link to the website to enable you to order any missing uniform items as easily as possible. If you have a child in the junior school, you will be aware that incorrect uniform is noted by staff and children are given a note to go home as a reminder for the correct uniform to be worn. The Nest staff will begin this process Monday 6th December to give you time to arrange for each child to have all the necessary uniform available to wear each day. We do thank you for your support to get the Nest children looking as smart as the rest of the school.


I would like to also  remind you that the Christmas bazaar will take place on Friday 10th December from 2:30 pm. Our children will be busy making things to sell at our Nest stall and we would like to support the chosen charity by raising as much money as possible. We will send out more details nearer the time.


The staff and children are looking forward to seeing you for the show next Friday. As always please remember to have your parent card, health code and travel code available to come into the school premises. Keeping our school community safe is very important to us all.



Nest: Pre-Nursery Winter Walk
0830hrs – 1130hrs, Monday
29th November


The Nest theme has changed to 'forests', and to get our pre-nursery children thinking about forests and trees, they are going on a wonderful winter walk. To bring this theme to life for the children and use the vocabulary we associate with a forest, there is no better way than to go and be around trees. Parents will be invited to join their children on this winter walk, so please pay attention to letters coming home to give your permission and to be able to join us.


Duke of Wellington Room (MB109)
1400hrs-1500hrs, Thursday
2nd December


This week's Meet the Master slot is open to parents of pupils in the Nest and Junior School. Please confirm via e-mail with Ms Emma Shi by Wednesday, 1st December if you would like to attend.


Parenting workshop: "Super Daddy" – how to use the parent functions on electronic devices
Old Common Room (MB 214)
1500hrs-1600hrs, Friday
3rd December


We had introduced the E-safety for you in the previous parents briefing. This week, we would like to introduce some methods and good practice in supervising a child's use of electronic devices. If you are interested in participating, please send your registration to Ms Coco Liu.




Talented Parent Recruitment


After the Christmas holiday, the most important Chinese Festival, Spring Festival, is coming very soon. To celebrate the Chinese New Year as the whole Wellington community, we are delighted to invite our parents to join us to celebrate the Year of Tiger. Further details will be sent out by related teachers. If you are interested in it, please contact

Nest: Ms Helen Shen (helen.shen@wellingtoncollege.cn)


Nest Christmas show
0915hrs, Friday
3rd December


Nest pupils will stage a concert full of Christmas themes, in which you'll hear songs from pupils dressed up in different costumes and in various roles. Apart from being surrounded by their pure voices and angelic faces, you'll also see the children play percussion instruments in traditional Christmas music with an innovative touch. The Junior School ballet group will also bring us some beautiful dances to celebrate this special festival.


Choir Performance: Christmas Tree Lighting in St Regis
1820hrs, Friday
3rd December

The Wellatonics will be singing a few Christmas carols and songs at the St Regis Hotel's Christmas tree lighting event starting from 1820hrs on Friday 3rd December. The hotel is offering a discount of 30% to parents who dine at the buffet restaurant on the day. It will be a fun way to end your working week by getting into the festive spirit with the Wellatonics! Please contact Ms Stella Sun if you would like more information.



* Christmas Charity Felting wool workshop is postponed to Thursday 2nd December, 1100hrs – 1300hrs in the old Common Room (MB 214).




Each week we will have workshops and lectures on various and colourful topics held by our school parents and friends. This is to enhance our bonds as a Wellington Community, and we would love to welcome all of you to join us!



14:00-15:30, Every Monday
FOW Room

Mrs Yuan
wechat contact: yuanmei302


ELA (Beginner level)
8:30-9:30, Every Friday of Week A
FOW Room

Mr Furse

ELA (Advanced level)
8:30-9:30, Every Tuesday of Week B
FOW Room

Mr Furse


9:35-10:35, Every Tuesday of Week B
FOW Room

Mrs Zhou
wechat contact: 18622230282

11:00-12:00, Every Tuesday
Dance Studio

Mrs Cui
susan.cui@ wellingtoncollege.cn

Floral Design
14:00-15:30, Every Wednesday
FOW Room

Molessom Jin

Traditional Chinese Medicine
9:00-10:30, Every Thursday
FOW Room

Dr Wang


Notice: Any changes of time, date or venue will be communicated by the course organiser




Monday 29 November 2021
All Day                       
Week 14 (B)

8:30AM - 11:30AM    
Nest: pre-Nursery winter walk (JB)

2:00PM - 3:30PM       
FOW: Knitting group (LL) (FOW room)

Tuesday 30 November 2021
8:30AM - 9:30AM      
FOW-ELA Advanced Level (DF) (FOW ROOM)

9:35AM - 10:35AM    
FOW-Japanese (LL)  (FOW ROOM)

11:00AM - 12:00PM   
FOW: Yoga (SC) (Sports Centre)

Wednesday 01 December 2021
9:30AM - 12:00PM     
Nest: Open Morning (PR) (The Nest)

2:00PM - 3:30PM        
FOW-Floral Design (LL) (FOW ROOM)

Thursday 02 December 2021
9:00AM - 10:30AM    
FOW: TCM (LL) (FOW room)

Nest Christmas show: dress rehearsal (JB) (Theatre)

2:00PM - 3:00PM       
Meet the Master: Nest & Junior School (ES)

Friday 03 December 202
Nest Christmas show (SS) (Theatre)

3:00PM - 5:00PM       
Parenting workshop: 'Super Daddy' - how to use the parent functions on electronic devices (CL) (Main Building)

Choir performance: St Regis Hotel, Tianjin (SSC)

Saturday 04 December 2021
9:00AM - 1:00PM       
Saturday Activity Programme (to 11th Dec) (EvK)

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