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Insights | Opening a New Chapter of Children's Learning Journey

29 Jun 2021

Jan Bennett

Head of Early Years

Our wonderful year 1 children have had an incredible learning journey this year. Since my arrival at Wellington last year, I have seen them develop in so many ways. I am in their learning space daily, and I have had the absolute privilege of watching them progress through the curriculum and achieve so much. They have worked hard on developing their spoken and written English and have been focused on their learning in a bilingual context.

Year 1 is an important transition year for the children. For almost all of them their reception year was hugely challenging due to Covid. Young children and their families had to adapt quickly to online learning and being apart from their friends. When they returned to school and became our year 1 group, they showed us all how resilient and tenacious they were. They worked hard to get back to the expectations and routines of school and settled into their learning. 

When I look back on the themes they have studied and the high levels of knowledge and skills they have developed, it makes me incredibly proud. Some of our children have been Wellingtonians since pre-nursery, and some have joined us very recently. However, all of them have understood the need to live the Wellington values of respect, kindness, responsibility, integrity and courage.

Now is the time for courage. They will all move to the next stage in their education journey. Change can be difficult; it can feel scary or overwhelming, but our children have what it takes to make the next step. It is not a step into the unknown - it is a step where we ask them to remember that learning is fun, exciting and opens our minds to new possibilities.

Every member of the Nest team and the Senior Leadership team, every parent and grandparent, every friend, give our thanks to year 1 and wish them luck and good fortune for their future learning.

Remember year 1: always reach for the stars!

Justine Broadhurst-Bristow

Year 1 Teacher

Transition Lead

Formally, transition at Wellington refers to completing all the learning goals of the Early Years and the readiness of children to move to the Junior School. This process includes the sharing of information on pupil attainment between parents and school. However, all teachers and parents of children this age know that there is so much more involved. It could well be said that it is the beginning of a journey into formal education

Various studies have concluded that the opportunity for positive transition experiences can predict future success in terms of social and emotional outcomes and educational ones. With this in mind, the management and teaching staff of the Nest and Junior School have worked together with children and parents to offer this experience. 

During the Lent Term, the teaching staff agreed that an essential aspect of our plan was to create positive relationships in an exciting and familiar environment. Play is the international language of childhood, so it felt like a fitting starting place.   

On their return to school at the beginning of the Summer Term, Year 1 children were taken to the dining hall, where they were met by their Year 2 counterparts. They shared a snack and were introduced to the big playground. To adults, this is a sports field where children run and play. To our Year 1 children, this was the first time they were being treated like Junior School children, and that meant that they were finally no longer little children. This was the first successful step in the transition plan; the feeling of accomplishment and belonging in our children moving up to the Junior School.   

Year 1 Open Morning in the Junior School

As the term has progressed, we have spent more time in the Junior School buildings, becoming familiar with the places and faces found there - pupils have even started to learn the names of staff members. It is evident that, during our time in the dining hall, the children are increasingly comfortable, not only in using the facilities but also in approaching other members of staff for assistance or even a friendly conversation. The year 1 and 2 teaching teams have collaborated to create opportunities for the children to mix socially. In classrooms, children have adapted well to the 'buddy system' used to pair up children from each year group for learning and fun activities. 

The key ideas of good practice in successful transitions include recognising that all children are unique and that even confident children may feel vulnerable and nervous in new surroundings. By sharing experiences and opportunities for collaborative learning over the Summer term, we have encouraged positive relationships between adults and pupils. The year 2 team has demonstrated to our children that the next phase here at Wellington will be a natural and comfortable continuation of the child-led and enquiry-based learning with which they are so familiar from the Nest. 

Children will cope better in environments where conditions are similar, where communication is encouraged, and new teachers are welcoming. We trust that the gradual process of adapting to a new learning area that our pupils have experienced over the term will help them successfully manage all the emotions which come with change.  

Further Reading

Parent's Talk | Developing Well-rounded Children in Early Years

Phonics Learning in Reception

Bilingual Teaching and Learning in the Nest

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