Insights丨Fill Your Cup… and Encourage Others to do the Same
08 Apr 2020
Welfare and Guidance Lead Samantha Wood
It is often said that you should fill your cup before you fill the cups of others, because you cannot pour from an empty cup. This is true, and I explained in my previous article ‘Taking Care of Yourself and Those you Love’, that if we do not look after ourselves how can we find the energy to help those around us; we can keep giving until we have nothing left to give, we can always put others before ourselves and before long you find that you are so far at the back of the queue you know there will be nothing left. Having said that I feel that the situation we find ourselves in now calls for a different outlook. Most people reading this article will have been spending an increased time with their families; parents and grandparents supporting the education of the youngsters ensuring they actively engage in the excellent e-learning being provided by the Wellington teachers; while at the same time working from home, maintaining the house, and keeping a close watch on the health of all. All this while also keeping abreast with the latest regulations and news around the world. If you feel overwhelmed, then you are in good company, for many parents will feel the same way. And then there are the children… No matter their age, they will have been feeling the strain of keeping up with their education, worrying about their friendships and whether they will weather this storm; hearing the news, fake and otherwise and wondering if the world they knew will ever be the same again; and on top of this they are confined, for many, in their bedrooms for hours on end. It certainly does not paint the most uplifting of pictures, but is there an alternative? In a recent webinar ‘Stress in the Time of Covid-19’ delivered by Dr Theo Cope, psychologist and psychotherapist with the Raffles Medical Group in Beijing, we were presented with the ‘Balance Model’ created by Dr Nossrat Peseschkian the founder of Positive Psychology. It is in this model that I feel we have not just a realistic response to the difficult times we find ourselves in, but one that is possible to practise along-side our family members. We don’t have to fill our own cup before filling others, instead we can collectively fill our cups, and the beauty of this approach is that in pouring positivity into one cup we simultaneously fill all. So how do we fill the cups, and how does the Balance Model help us to do this? The ‘Balance Model’ expounds a four-part approach:- Body – Health and Well-being
- Achievement
- Contact
- Future, and Meaning
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