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Into the Classroom | Learning through Discovery in Reception

23 May 2024

Children's innate curiosity and natural inclination to explore are the cornerstones of learning through discovery, which is actively encouraged in our Reception classrooms. 


By engaging with their surroundings, asking questions and hands-on activities, children gain deeper insights into concepts. The theme of pirates, for instance, offers a rich and exciting context for interdisciplinary learning, from literacy and science to geography and history.


In the process of learning about pirates, children interact with materials such as construction pieces, sand, water, and tools, enhancing their understanding of the physical world. Real telescopes connect them to the historical usage of these instruments by pirates, providing a tactile learning experience. Teachers play a crucial role by fostering inquiry, answering questions to promote further exploration, and listening and responding to children's questions.




Open-ended materials stimulate imagination and creative thinking. Resources like playdough, art supplies, and miscellaneous items like boxes and fabric scraps allow children to craft original creations and conduct their own experiments. Storytelling is another powerful tool; by asking predictive questions during readings, such as in the story of Peter Pan, children's thought processes are engaged, and conversations and vocabulary are enriched.




Role play and dramatic play facilitate the understanding of different scenarios, social roles, and problem-solving through mimicry. A classroom pirate village with props such as a ship, flag, treasure chest, and cave set the stage for children to deepen their knowledge through imaginative play.


While discovery learning is primarily child-led, educator involvement is critical, so teachers guide explorations, provide necessary resources, scaffold learning, and encourage reflection, ensuring a balance between independent discovery and structured guidance. This supports not only a safe learning environment but also one where children can optimize their educational experiences.




Learning through discovery recognizes and harnesses the natural ways in which children interact with the world, making it a potent method of education with adult guidance to secure and enhance the learning journey.


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