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How to help children prepare for Nursery before they go to school?

Stepping into the Nursery is the children’s “first step” into the real world. This is a milestone in their lives and parents can play a crucial part in a child's transition from home to school.

Parents are the key to easing separation anxiety. Parents need to feel secure that children will transition into their new environment by sending positive messages and allay any fears they may have about starting school. A few examples that parents can do to prepare their children include: reading books about settling into a new school; arrange for a school tour in advance; meet with the teachers; and do a role-play of the Nursery at home.

Parents can learn about the daily schedule at school with their children and help them prepare their bags, blankets for taking a nap, uniforms, water bottles and so on. Parents can also help their children label their belongings with name tags to develop a sense of ownership and responsibility. Furthermore, parents can bring a blanket or a toy that the children are attached to, to give comfort to them at school.

Most children who are about to go to the Nursery,  are ready to leave home and see what the world looks like. This is marked as a “right of passage” for children to become a member of society and requires them to be as independent as they can be. The parents are encouraged to create more opportunities for children to practice their social skills, such as how to express their needs and how to communicate with their friends.

If you would like to know more about Wellington College Bilingual Tianjin Nursery, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.